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Chaque achat Koola effectué contribue directement à améliorer les moyens de subsistance de nos producteurs et de leurs enfants.

  • Bidens Pilosa

    antioxydant et antimicrobien

    Bidens Pilosa est traditionnellement utilisé pour ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires. Certaines études ont montré qu’il peut réduire l’inflammation et soulager la douleur associée à des maladies comme l’arthrite. Il est riche en antioxydants, qui peuvent aider à protéger l’organisme du stress oxydatif.

  • Érythrine d'Abyssinie

    Sédatif, antimicrobien, anti-inflammatoire
    Originaire d'Afrique de l'Est et communément connu sous le nom de "Red Hot Poker". Il est utilisé depuis longtemps en médecine traditionnelle à diverses fins.

  • Aspilia sp.

    Soulagement de la douleur, problèmes digestifs, problèmes respiratoires

    Aspilia est un genre d'herbes trouvées dans les régions tropicales d'Afrique et d'Asie. Diverses espèces d’Aspilia sont traditionnellement utilisées à des fins médicinales.

Notre histoire

Notre objectif est d’autonomiser financièrement les femmes des zones rurales d’Afrique de l’Est. En cultivant et en transformant des herbes, nous leur fournissons des moyens de subsistance durables.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if Koola herbals is for me?

 If you are experiencing constant challenges from having PCOS, Fibroids, period pains, or menopausal symptoms, or if you have just had a baby, then Koola herbals is a great way to solve and relieve these issues

Are these blends natural?

Our blends are 100% natural with no added colours, flavours, and oils. They are made up of roots, tree bark, and leaves.

When should I expect benefits/ results?

While it varies from person to person, most people experience results after using the herbs for 1 month. However, we advise incorporating Koola herbal blends into your daily intake for long-term effects.

What kind of benefits can I expect?

Benefits depend on the ailments you are experiencing, but one of the common benefits is our herbs regularise hormones, relieve pains, and promote healing.

How do the blends taste?

Our blends vary in taste, the blends that consist of roots have a strong earthy taste while the blends that consist of only leaves have a fresh, somehow minty taste. All tastes are worth it.

Do the koola blends contain caffeine?

Our blends do not contain caffeine, some of the herbs used in our blends contain calming and soothing effects.

How can I make this tea?

Boil dry contents for 10-15 minutes to make a concentrate OR steep for 5-10 minutes use an extraction kit while making the concentrate.

Can I mix it with anything?

After making the concentrate, you can mix it with honey and lemon to improve taste

What are the side effects?

There are no standard side effects connected to our blends.

Where are these herbs produced?

We directly source the herbs from women growers in the rural areas of  East Africa, specifically Uganda. The blends are prepared and packaged in Sweden.

Are koola herbal blends meant for only women?

Our blends are mostly meant for women, though the stomach-ease blend and the herbal relaxing bath are enjoyed by men too.

Do you ship outside of the EU

We currently ship within the EU, Northern Ireland, Norway, and The United Kingdom